
this is halloween this is halloween halloween halloween this is halloween

in honor of this day i will post these halloween party photos. 

sollis family party looked like this:

cute little m&m parents

 lion tamer and his girls


 cutest fairy you ever did see

the boys dressed as themselves when they fish. classy.

this picture is brought to you by saying "korby show me your face!"  

and the margetts party looked like this: 

salad fingers anyone? 

 at first we pretended to be mormon

but then came down in these guys and rocked everyone's socks off
(sorry we didn't switch up the costumes, they were just too good to use only once!)

brooke made these herself!
(and lets all thank her for these pictures..so glad i didn't have to take any!)

even though this is blurry, it is possibly my favorite

super max.

yes for halloween parties and family time!

and if you have yet to go trick-or-treating:

..you should go to ryan's house. wendy will hook you up.

happy halloween blogger friends!


brynne frei said...

the tights the tights you wore the tights! i love them. and i still can't get enough of that costume. way to go with best couple costume!

and tanner made me promise over the weekend that once we have money that we'll give out full size candy bars haha. mfeo

Unknown said...

you make such a great lion.

kelli said...

i'm just really happy that comments are now back at the bottom.

and that your costumes were so great/awkward/lol-worthy.

Lauren@ "Happiness is..." said...

I am so far behind in the blogging world because of my little vacay so this is the first I have seen of this. I LOVE your costume!